Title: | An accurate map of Louisiana and the territory in dispute between the English and French G. Rollos, sculp. |
Author: | Rollos, G., 1754-1789. |
Scale: | ca. 1 inch to 63 miles |
Situation Date: | 1760? |
Publication Date: | [1761?] |
Type: | Photocopy |
Features: | Drainage, relief, Indian nations, Indian settlements, trails and forts. |
Comments: | "Engraved for the British Magazine" |
Coverage: | Middle and southeastern United States |
Repository: | Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division | Mississippi Department of Archives and History |
Language: | English |
Size (inches): | 9.75X11.75 |
Link: | https://koha-public.mdah.ms.gov/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl? biblionumber=8040 |