Title |
Author |
Situation Date |
Repository |
A map of lands in the counties of Hancock and Pearl [River] in the state of Mississippi. Drawing by B.F. Chapman. 1865. J.H.T. 1-20-1876. |
Chapman, B.F. |
1875 |
Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division |
N.O. & N.E. R.R. Map No. 7 from Maple Branch, Sec.4, T4S, R16W in Hancock County to Wolf Creek Sec.27, T1S, R15W in Marion Co. Mississippi. |
1883, February 10 |
National Archives and Records Administration, Cartographic and Architectural Records |
N.O. & N.E. R.R. Map No. 8 from East Pearl River Sec4, T7S, R17W, to Maple Branch Sec4, T4S, R16W in Hancock County, Mississippi. |
1881, February 10 |
National Archives and Records Administration, Cartographic and Architectural Records |
Map of the Bay St. Louis and town of Shieldsboro. |
Greenwell, W.E. (U.S. Coast Survey) |
1852 |
University of Alabama |
Map of the Malheureux Islands and shores of Mississippi Sound from Pearl River to Point Clear. |
Greenwell, W.E. (U.S. Coast Survey) |
1852-May |
University of Alabama |
Public Lands Survey System Plats illustrated via the Bureau of Land Management - General Land Office Records web site. |
Various Surveyors |
ca 1803-1899 |
Bureau of Land Management/General Land Office |
Partie de la coste de la Floride où se trouve l'embouchure de la rivière de Missisipi dans le golfe de Mexique / par le pilote Catho. A Paris, chez le Sr Moullart Sanson, 1719 |
Catho |
1719 |
Bibilotheque Nationale de France |
Carte du fleuve de Mississipy |
[ca. 1710] |
Service historique de la Défense, département Marine, Cartes et plans |
Topographic Maps |
United States Geologic Survey |
ca 1893-2000 |
U.S. Geological Survey |
Plan of New Orleans the capital of Louisiana; with the disposition of its quarters and canals as they have been traced by Mr. de la Tour in the year 1720. (with) The course of Mississipi River from Bayagoulas to the sea. (with) The east mouth of the Mississipi, with the plan of Fort la Balise which defends the entrance and channel of that river. Nov: 1759. |
Brion de la Tour, Louis; Jefferys, Thomas. |
1759 |
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection. |
County Map of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad |
Industrial and Agricultural Development Department |
1938 |
Birmingham Public Library Cartography Collection. |