Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:A new map of West Florida including the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and upper Creek nations, with a large part of the Spanish dominioms west of the Mississippi, and a part of East Florida, / from different actual surveys, and the best other authorities by Bernard Romans.
Author:Romans, Bernard, ca. 1720-ca. 1784.
Situation Date:1773
Features:Drainage, numbered legend noting 60 named Choctaw Indian settlements, 15 unnumbered Chickasaw communities, hunting paths, other paths, remarks on treaties, boundaries, and physical and cultural geography.
Comments:Bibliographic Note: See- Halbert, Henry S. 1902: Bernard Romans' Map of 1772. Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society, vol. 6, pp. 414-439.
Features Note: Includes historical text and index. "No. 1294." "Observations made by [?] Roberts of the British Navy..." Coverage Note: Detailed Indian settlement, roads/paths and drainage.
Repository Note: National Archives retains a [1780?] manuscript version.
Link Note: Link provided includes a more modern version of the detailed area of the state.
Coverage:Kemper, Lauderdale, Neshoba, Newton, Clarke and Wayne Counties
Repository:Mississippi Department of Archives and History | National Archives and Records Administration, Cartographic and Architectural Records
Size (inches):37 X 27.5
Link: n.jpg