Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

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Title Author Situation Date Repository
Northern Mississippi and Alabama Compiled and engraved at the U.S. Coast Survey Office, from state maps, post office maps, local surveys, etc., with additions from campaign maps and information furnished by Capt. O. M. Poe, Chief Engineer, Military Division of the Mississippi and by Capt. W. E. Merrill, Chief Engineer, Department of the Cumberland. Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. Lindenkohl, A. 1864 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina; comprehending the river Ohio, and all the rivers, which fall into it; part of the river Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois River, Lake Erie; part of the lakes Huron, Michigan &c. and all the country bordering on these lakes and rivers. By Thos. Hutchins. Engrav'd by T. Cheevers. Hutchins, Thomas, 1730-1789. 1778 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division | Mississippi Department of Archives and History view
Plan der Schlacht von Gettysburg am 1, 2 & 3 Juli, 1863.-Plan zur Erlauterung von Gen. Grant's Vicksburg Campagne Mai-Juli, 1863 Gez v. E. R. Schmidt. Th. Leonhardt, lith., Philada. Schmidt, Ernst Reinhold. 1863 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Topographical sketch of the line of operations of the Army of the Ohio under the command of Major General D. C. Buell, U.S. Volunteers : evacuation of Corinth by the enemy, May 30th, 1862 / surveyed from the 8th of April to the 6th of June, 1862 by N. Michler, Capt. Topogl. Engrs. U.S.A., assisted by John E. Weyss, Maj. Ky. Vols. Michler, N. 1827-1881 1862 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
[Map of part of the counties of McNairy and Hardin, Tennessee, and Alcorn and Tishomingo, Mississippi.] / G. A. Lyell, del. Lyell, G. A. 1862 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
L'Amérique septentrionale, dressée sur les mémoires le plus récens des meilleurs géographes, & publiée par Cóvens & Mortier. Cóvens et Mortier 1757 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Plano y costa de la Palisada o de Misipipi zituada, su entrada o Cabo de Lodo en 29 gs. 17 ms. de lattud. norte y en longd. de 385 gs. 3 ms. segun Tenerife. Delineado por Dn. Juan de Liguera y Antayo, piloto de la Carrera 1751, para el Sor. Dn. Franco. del Postigo, capitan de Navio de la Real Armada y piloto mayor de ella. Liguera y Antayo, Juan de. [1751] Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Descripción de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus sondas y bajos nuebamte. corregido y enmendado pr. los pilotos de la Rl. Armada en el año de 1769. Delineado pr. Dn. Josef Lahaurie, pilotin del numo. de la Rl. Arma., bajo la correccióon de Dn. Pedro Ribelles, maestro de delineador pr. S. M. del Departamento de Cádiz, año de 1786. Lahaurie Meritorio, Josef. [1786] Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Descripsión de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus zondas y bajos, nuebamente corregidos y enmendado por los pilotos de la Armada, el año de 1769. Deligneado por el agregado de esta Rl. Escuela de Navegón. Leonardo Migl. Camerino bajo la corrón. de Dn. Pedro Rebelles, mro. delineador por S. M. a 18 de novre. de 1784. Camerino, Leonardo Miguel. [1784] Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Descripsión de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus zonds. y baxos, nuebamte. correjido y enmendo por los pilos. de la Armada, el año 1769. Deligneado pr. el pilotin de la Rel. Arma. Dn. Andres Clemes bajo la corrn. de Dn. Pedro Rebelles, mro. deligneador por Su Magestad a 26. de junio de 1784. Clemes, Andres. 1784 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Colton's map of the southern states, including Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, showing also part of adjoining states & territories locating the forts & military stations of U. States & showing all the rail roads, r. r. stations, & other internal improvements. Colton, J. H. 1800-1893. 1861 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division | David Rumsey Historical Map Collection. view
Perrine's New military map illustrating the seat of war . Perrine, C. O. 1862 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Phelps & Watson's historical and military map of the border & southern states. Phelps & Watson 1864 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
The theatre of war or the stage as set for the opening scenes of 1861 Copyright 1893 by L. H. Everts, Philadelphia, Pa. A. H. Mueller, lith., Philada. Philadelphia Publishing Company. 1861 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Map of the military Department of the Gulf / prepared by order of Maj. Gen. N.P. Banks, Major D.G. Houston, chief engineer, Jany. 1864 ; drawn by F. D'Avignon & C.D. Elliot. D'Avignon, Francis, b. 1813 1864 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Lloyd's map of the Southern States, showing all the railroads, their stations & distances : also the counties, towns, villages, harbors, rivers, and forts. Lloyd, James T. 1861 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
The Confederate states, with the border states & the adjoining portion of the Federal states By J. Bartholomew F. R. G. S. Bartholomew, John. 1864 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Gulf coast of the United States; Key West to Rio Grande. United States Coast Survey. 1863 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Our naval and military operations at a glance. The coast and land line of the rebellious states-the Union blockade of the Atlantic and Gulf coast-the rebel batteries on the Mississippi-the forts on the southern sea line Hall, Edward S. 1861 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
W. Alvin Lloyd's southern rail-road map, 1863. Lloyd, W. Alvin. 1863 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
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