Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

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Title Author Situation Date Repository
Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane, Canada, et N. Angleterre Brion de la Tour, Louis 1766 Birmingham Public Library view
A map of North America, by J. Palairet, with considerable alterations & improvemts. from d'Anville, Mitchell & Bellin, by L. Delarochette. Delarochette, Louis (1731-1802) 1765 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
Carte de la Louisiane. Dumont de Montigny, Jean François Benjamin (b. 1696) 1753 Bibliothèque nationale de France view
Mappa Geographica Americæ Septentrionalis. Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783. [1760?] Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division. view
[Untitled map of European possessions in America.] Gibson, John 1763 Birmingham Public Library view
America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia. Noriebergae: Homannianorum Heredum, 1756. Homann Erben 1756 Birmingham Public Library view
A new and accurate map of North America : wherein the errors of all proceeding British, French and Dutch maps, respecting the rights of Great Britain, France & Spain & the limits of each of his majesty's provinces, are corrected, / humbly inscribed to the honorable Charles Townshend... by his most obliged, most obedient and very humble servant Huske; Tho. Kitchin Sculpt. Huske, John (1721?-1773) 1755 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
A Map of French Settlements in North America. Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784) 1747 Birmingham Public Library view
Township no. 24 range no. 1 west [Tallahatchie County, Miss.] 1834? Mississippi Department of Archives and History view
A new map of the British Dominions in North America; with the limits of the governments annexed thereto by the late Treaty of Peace, and settled by Proclamation, October 7th 1763. Engraved by T. Kitchin, geogr. Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784) [1763] Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
British Dominions in America Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784) [1769?] Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec view
Carte de la Louisiane Colonie Francaise avec le cours du fleuve St. Louis, les Rivieres Adjacentes, les Nations de Naturels, las Etablissems Francais, et les Mines. Par l'Auteur de l'Histoire de cette Province 1757. Le Page du Pratz, Antoine-Simon (d. 1775) 1757 Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library view
[Map of Louisiana] Le Page du Pratz, Antoine-Simon (d. 1775) [1758?] Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library view
Novissima tabula regionis lvdoviciana gallice dictæ La Lovgsiane iam olim quidem sub Canadæ et Floridæ nomine in America Septentrionali ... a Guil. Insulano [i.e., Guilliaume de L'Isle] Geographo ... a Chr. Weigelio [i.e., Christoph Weigel] Nor. L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726) [1734?] Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec | University of Alabama view
Carta Geografica della Florida nell America Settentrionale. L’Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726) [1740-1750?] Fort Lewis College- Center of Southwest Studies view
Carte de la Louisiane, Maryland, Virginie, Caroline, Georgie avec une partie de la Floride. L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726) 1758 Birmingham Public Library view
Carte des Possessions Francoises et Angloises dans Le Canada, et Partie de la Louisiane. Longchamps, S. G 1756 Birmingham Public Library view
Mapa maritimo del Golfo de Mexico e islas de la America, para el uso de los navegantes en esta parte del mundo, construido sobre las mexores memorias, y observaciones astronomicas de longitudes, y latitudes. Dedicado a la Catholica Magestad de Don Fernando VI Rey de España, y de las Yndias, por sus mas rendidos, y fieles vasallos, Thomas Lopez, y Juan de la Cruz. López de Vargas Machuca, Thomás (1730-1802) 1755 Library of Congress- Geography and Map Division view
Mapa de la America Septentrional dividido en dos partes. En la primera se descriven sus provincias segun los derechos que piensa tener a ellas la corona de Francia: en la segunda, segun las pretensiones de la Inglaterra. Delineado por Lopez y Cruz. Lopez y Cruz 1755 Library of Congress- Geography and Map Division view
[Map of southeastern North America] Martyn, Benjamin, 1699-1763 1733 Brown University, John Carter Brown Library view
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