Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

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Title Author Situation Date Repository
A Map Exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior Parts of North America Inscribed by Permission To the Honorable Governor And Company Of Adventurers Of England Trading Into Hudson Bay In testimony of their liberal Communications To their most Obedient and very Humble Servant, A. Arrowsmith, Hydrographer to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Arrowsmith, Aaron 1814 David Rumsey Map Collection view
Map Of The United States Of America With Its Territories & Districts. Including also a part of Upper & Lower Canada And Mexico. Published By B.B. Barber & A. Willard, Hartford, 1835. Barber, B.B.; Willard, A. 1835 David Rumsey Map Collection view
Map Of The United States Of North America. Compiled from the Latest And Most Authentic Information By David H. Vance. Philadelphia Published by Anthony Finley. Entered ... July 12th, 1825. Engraved by J.H. Young. (inset) Map Of North America Including All The Recent Geographical Discoveries 1825. (inset profile) Comparative Elevation of the Principal Mountains and Hills in the United States. Finley, Anthony; Vance, David H. 1825 David Rumsey Map Collection. view
Johnson's New Illustrated & Embellished County Map Of The Republics Of North America With The Adjacent Islands & Countries, Compiled Drawn & Engraved From U. States Land & Coast Surveys, British Admiralty & other Reliable Sources. By D. Griffing Johnson, New York & Washington. 1859. Entered ... 1856 by D.G. & A.J. Johnson ... New York. Johnson, A.J.; Johnson, D. Griffing 1859 David Rumsey Map Collection. view
Mapa de toda la frontera de los dominios del rey en la America septentrional / construido y delineado por el capitan de ingenieros D. Nicolas de la Fora y el feniente de infanteria del regimiento de America D. Jose de Urrutia sobre varios puntos tomados en el tiempo de la expedicion que hicieron por dicha frontera a las ordenes del mariscal de campo el Señor Marques de Rubi ; cop. Mexico 7 de agosto de 1816. Fora, Nicolas de la, b. ca. 1730. [1817] Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division view
A Sketch of the Territory of the South Carolina Yazoo Company Moultrie, Alexander 1791 Library of Congress view
Plano hidrográfico de la Costa de la Florida Occidental desde el Río Misisipi hasta el Cabo de S. Blas. Conquistada a los Yngleses baxo la Dirección del Excmo. Sr. Dn. Bernardo de Gálvez, conde de Gálvez con la toma del castillo y bahía de Movilla en 14 de Marzo de 1780; la importante Plaza y Bahía de Panzacola en 8 de Mayo de 1781 Portillo y Labaggi, José 1783 Archivo General de Simancas, MPD/22/017 view
Plano que comprehende las Costas, Ensenadas, Puertos, Barras y Rios que desaguan al Mar de las Provincias de Nueva Escocia, Hampshire, Massachusset, Rho-Yland, Connecticut, Nueva York, Nueva Gersey, Pensilvania, Mariland, Virginia, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur, Nueva Georgia, Florida del Este, Florida del Oeste, Nueva Luisiana, Sto. Domingo, con todos los Cayos, Reyno de Nueva España, Provincia de Yucatán,... Puente, Juan Jose Elixio de la; Surville, Juan de 1778 Harvard Map Collection | Biblioteca Nacional de España, Mr/43/186. view
A Map of the Southern Indian District of North America. Compiled under the direction of John Stuart, Esqr., His Majesty's Superintendant of Indian Affairs, by Joseph Purcell. Purcell, Joseph; Stuart, John (1718-1779) 1775 Newberry Library, Ayer MS map 228 view
Baxa Luisiana Walker, Juan Pedro (1781-ca. 1828) ca. 1799 Historic New Orleans Collection, 1977.97.] view
Sanborn Insurance Maps Varies-19th and 20th Century dates Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division. view
La Florida. / Auctore Hieron. Chiaues; Perviæ avriferæ regionis typis / Didáco Mendezio auctore; et Gvastecan Reg. Antvertpiæ; Chaves, Geronimo (1523-1574); Ortelius, Abraham (1527-1598) [1584] Bibliothèque nationale de France view
[Map of Tenochtitlan and the Northern Gulf of Mexico coastline.] Cortés, Hernán (1485-1547); Peypus, Friedrich 1524 Library of Congress | Brown University, John Carter Brown Library. view
Americae sive qvartae orbis partis nova et exactissima descriptio / avctore Diego Gvtiero Philippi Regis Hisp. etc. Cosmographo ; Hiero. Cock excvde. 1562 ; Hieronymus Cock excude cum gratia et priuilegio 1562. Gutiérrez, Diego (fl. 1554-1569) 1562 Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division. view
Map of America by Diego Ribero 1529. Ribero, Diego 1529 Library of Congress Geography and Map Division view
Nueva Hispania Tabula Nova. Venice. Ruscelli, Girolamo 1561 University of Texas, Arlington library. view
Ocean Atlantique ou Mer du Nord on Sent Exactenent Observee le Route d'Europe aux Indes Occidentales, et des Inder Occientales en Europe. 1693 University of Alabama, Cartographic Research Laboratory view
L'Amerique septentrionale. ca. 1695 California Digital Library, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, view
Dal P. Coronelli Due Gran Globi .... Per L'Accademia Cosmografica Degli Argonauti ... l'anno MDCLXXXVIII. Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718 1688 John Carter Brown Library, Brown University. view
A Map of a Large Country Newly Discovered in the Northern America Situated between New Mexico and the Frozen Sea together with the course of the Great River Meschasipi Dedicated to his Maty. William III King of Great Britain By Father Lewis Hennepin Missionary Recollect and Apostolic Notary. Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705) 1698 John Carter Brown Library, Brown University. view
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