Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte Nouvelle de La Partie de l'Oüest de la Louisiane, Fait sur les Observations et découvertes de M. Bénard de la Harpe, l'un des Commandans audit Pays.
Author:Beaurain, Jean de; Bénard de La Harpe, Jean-Baptiste (1683-1765)
Situation Date:ca. 1723
Features:Relief, drainage, lakes, Indian nations (with Choctaw population), Indian settlements, communities, forts, trails.
Comments:Title NOte: General translation- New Chart of Part of Western Louisiana, and Observations Made on the discoveries of M. Benard de la Harpe, one of the commanders of that country.
Repository Note: Original in Library of Congress, bound with Beaurain's manuscript of Bénard de la Harpe's journal.
Coverage:Western U.S. including area approximately 200 miles east of the Mississippi River.
Repository:Library of Congress, geography and Mapd Division.