Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte du Missicipy ou Louissiane depuis la Baye de lascension jusqua la pointe de la Mobille. Dedie a Monseigneur. Monseigneur le Duc d'Estrées, Pair, Maréchal, et Vice-Amiral de France, Commendeur des ordres du Roy, Grand d'Espagne, Vice-Roy de l'Amérique, Gouverneur de la Ville et Chasteau de Nantes et Comté Nantois, Lieutenant Général et Commendant en chef en la province de Bretagne. s.d. Signé Decercelier.
Scale:ca. 1 inch to 17 miles
Situation Date:1718-1729
Features:Relief, drainage, Mississippi River islands, Indian settlements, other settlements, many noted by small red dots, portages, natural and cultural features named, forts,
Comments:Title Note: General translation- Map Mississippi and Louisiana from the Bay of Ascension to the tip of the Mobile. Dedicate to my lord. Monseigneur the Duc d'Estrees, Pair, Marshall, and Vice Admiral of France, Commander the King's orders, Grandee of Spain, Viceroy of America, Governor of the City and County of Nantes and Chasteau Nantois, Lieutenant General and Chief Commendant in the province of Britain. Signed s.d. Decercelier.
Features Note: Inset: "Plan et progay de la No:le Orleans." General translation- Plan for New Orleans.
Coverage:Mississippi extreme eastern Louisiana and western Alabama.
Repository:Archives nationales d'outre-mer
Size (inches):20.4 X 30.7
Link: tice?id=FR+CAOM+04DFC62B OM/FRCAOM_04DFC_62B/DAFCAOM03_04DFC0062B01_H.jpg