Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte de la Louisiane dite le Mississipi avec les pais qui luy sont a l'ouest / par J. B. Michel le Bouteux / Directeur et Commandant du pais des Arcanças.
Author:Le Bouteux, Jean Baptiste Michel (1682-1764)
Scale:ca. 1 inch to 134 miles
Situation Date:ca. 1722
Type:Engraved Print
Features:Relief, drainage, lakes, Indian nations and Indian settlements, forts, communities trails.
Comments:Map of Louisiana known as the Mississippi and lands to the west / by J. B. Michael the Bouteux / Director and Commander of Arkansas Post.
Features Note
: Contains a ten item legend indicating French, and Spanish settlements, Indian communities, New Orleans and a few lakes and bays.
Coverage:Alabama west to California, Mexico north to about Utah and Gulf Coast north to about Illinois.
Repository:Biblioteca Nacional De Portugal
Size (inches):17.3 X 11.4