Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte de la Côte de la Louisiane, depuis l'Embouchure du Mississipi jusqu'à la baie de St Joseph ; ou l'on marque toutes les Isles, Ports et bons mouillages qui s'y trouvent, suivant les Observations faites par M. de Serigny en 1719 et 1720. / M. de Sérigny.
Author:Le Moyne, Joseph, Sieur de Sérigny (1668-1734); [Devin, Valentin (d. 1735)]
Situation Date:ca. 1720
Features:Drainage in vicinity of Gulf Coast, islands, inlets, bays, lakes, soundings in Gulf and lake Pontchartrain, a few Indian settlements, forts, anchorage.
Comments:General Note: See D-79 at for a short discussion of this map. Also see D-80 at the same URL for a very similar manuscript, color version of the map.
Title Note: General translation-Map of the Coast of Louisiana, from Mississippi [river] to the Mouth of the Bay of St. Joseph, all the islands, ports and good anchorage in it, according to observations made ​​by Mr. Serigny in 1719 and 1720. / M. Sérigny.
Features Note: Insets of Mouth of Mississppi River and New Orleans.
Coverage:New Orleans to Pensacola. Harrison, Hancock and Jackson counties.
Repository:Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans