Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte du cours du fleuve St. Louis : depuis les Natchez, jusqu'a son Embouchure.
Situation Date:1743?
Features:Mississippi River, tributaries, river islands, wooded areas, communities, communities, forts.
Comments:Title Note: Translation- Map of the course of the river St. Louis [Mississippi] from Natchez, to its mouth.
Coverage:Louisiana and Mississippi in vicinity of river. Adams and Wilkinson counties.
Repository:Biblioteca Nacional de España
Link: o?DOCCHOICE=1557776.xml&dvs=1340076347586~685&locale=en_US&s earch_terms=&adjacency=&VIEWER_URL=/view/action/ LIVERY_RULE_ID=4&usePid1=true&usePid2=true