Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title: Plan De la Partie de la Province de la Louisiane, avec le débouquem[ent] du Canal de Baham, une partie du golfe du Mexique, et part[iculierement] de l'Ile de Cube, et Vieux Canal. : A Monsieur Monsieur [sic] de La Porte secrétaire général de la Marine A Versailles.
Situation Date:ca 1750
Features:Bays, inlets, islands, some soundings in selective areas of the Gulf, Biloxi, Mobile noted.
Comments:General Note: See E-32 at for a short discussion of the map.
Title Note: General translation-Map Of Part of the Province of Louisiana, with Baham Canal, part of the Gulf of Mexico, and part Isle of Cube, and Old Canal.: Monsieur [sic] La Porte General Secretary of the Navy at Versailles.
Coverage:Coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida including the entire peninsula.
Repository:Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans