Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Descripcion Geografica, de la parte que los Españoles poseen Actualmente en el Continente de la Florida, del Del Dominio en que estan los Yngleses con legitimo titulo solo en Virtud del Tratado de pases del año de 1670 y de la Jurisdicion que indevidamente an Ocupado despues de d[ic]ho Tratado, en que se Manifiestan las Tierras que Usurpan; y se definen los límites que deven prescrivirse para una y otra Nación en Conformidad del derecho de la corona de España.
Author:prescrivirse Deven
Scale:ca 1 inch to 75 miles
Situation Date:1742
Features:Drainage, relief, Indian settlements, Florida boundaries, forts, Desoto's route.
Comments:Title Note: General translation-Geographical Description of the Spanish that are currently on the mainland of Florida, the domain in which are the English with a legitimate title only under the Treaty of passes of the year of 1670 and the jurisdiction that unduly after an Occupied d [ic] ho Treaty, which usurping manifest Lands, and defined the limits prescribed by Deven again and Compliance Office in the right of the crown of Spain.
Feature Note: Contains a alpha-numeric legend of natural and cultural features.
Type Note: Pin and ink and watercolor.
Coverage:Southeast U.S.
Repository:Library of Congress Geography and Map Division
Size (inches):15.3 X 14.5