Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Descripcion geographica de la parte que los españoles poseen actualmente en el continente de la Florida del Del Dominio en que estan los ingleses con legitimo titulo solo en virtud del tratado de pases del año de 1670 y de la jurisdicion que indevidamente an ocupado despues de d[ic]ho tratado en que se manifiestan las tierras que usurpan y se definen los limites que deven prescrivirse para una y otra nacion en conformidad del derecho de la Corona de España / copiado por José Luis Gómes .
Author:[Arredondo, Antonio de]
Scale:ca. 1 inch to 80 miles.
Situation Date:[1742]
Publication Date:1914
Type:Pen-and-ink and watercolor.
Features:Relief, drainage, bays-named, Indian settlements, boundaries of English and Spanish holdings, forts, De Soto's route, legend-see Comments.
Comments:Title Note: Rough translation-Geographic Description of territory that Spain currently has on the mainland of Florida and the domain in which the English with a legitimate title under the treaty only passing year of 1670 and the jurisdiction that indevidamente an occupied after the treaty to express usurping land and defines the limits for a prescrivirse Deven and other nation in accordance to the right of the Crown of Spain / copied by Jose Luis Gomes.
Features Note: contains a 24 item legend generally describing geographic places and their history of possession.
Publisher Note: Library of Congress notes that the map was: Created and published in 1914.
Coverage:Southeast United States.
Repository:Library of Congress Geography and Map Division
Size (inches):15.3 X 14.5
Link: BER+@band%28g3860+np000145%29%29