Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title: Carte de la Louisiane dressée d'apres les plans et mémoires des ingénieurs qui ont eté a la Louisiane. Presentée par le Sr. Broutin, fils de feu Sr. Broutin cap. ingenieur en chef de la Louisiane et Chevalier de Saint Louis. Paris, 9 Feb., 1764.
Author:Broutin, Ignace-François, fils (1737-1764
Situation Date:1764
Publication Date:1764
Features:Drainage, Mississippi River islands, Indian nations and Indian settlements, forts, trails, narrative- see Features Notes in Comments.
Comments:General Note: See item D-57 for a short discussion of this map.
Title Note: Map of Louisiana erected after the plans of memories and engineers who have been to Louisiana. Presented by Broutin Sr., son of the late Sr. Broutin course. chief engineer of Louisiana and a Knight of St. Louis. Paris, Feb 9., 1764.
Type Note: May be a manuscript.
Features Note: Depicts a narrative of named places surveyed and mapped by various students and professionals.
Coverage:Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois.
Repository:Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (Spain) | Harvard Map Collection
Publisher:Paris, 9 Feb., 1764