Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte de partie de la Louisiane qui comprend le cours du Mississipy depuis son embouchure jusques aux Arcansas, celuy des rivieres de la Mobille depuis la baye jusqu'au fort de Toulouse, des Pascagoula et de la riviere aux Perles, le tout relevé par estime. Fait à la Mobille en mars 1733 par les soins et recherches de Monsieur le Baron de Crenay lieutenant pour le Roy et commandant à la Mobille.
Author:Crenay, Baron de? [fl.1733]
Situation Date:1733
Features:Drainage, Mississippi River islands, vegetation including marshes, Indian nations, Indian settlements, communities, forts, numerous trails, names of residents and land owners.
Comments:Title Note: General translation- Map of part of Louisiana which includes the course of the Mississippi from its mouth to the Arkansas, and the rivers of Mobile from the bay to Fort Toulouse, the Pascagoula and Pearl river based on any statement by the estimates. Done at the Mobile in March 1733 by the care and research of Baron Crenay of lieutenant commander for the King and the Mobile.
Features Note: Very detailed Indian settlements in the general vicinity of Neshoba County. Link Note: Also see: item E-66 at
Coverage:Central U.S. roughly between The Mississippi River and the East coast.
Repository:Archives nationales d'outre-mer, 04DFC 1A
Link: erver/FRCAOM/FRCAOM_04DFC_1A/DAFCAOM03_04DFC0001A01_H.jpg