Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte de la Province et Colonie de la Loüisiane, Dans la partie septentrional de l'Amerique; La quelle est arosée du fameux fleuve St. Loüis, avec une explication des environs de ce fleuve, jusques aux endroits les plus eloignez ou sont habitez les français; ensemble la position présente des différentes Nations des Naturels Ameriquains, et ce que chaque partie du païs raporte naturellement.
Author:Le Page du Pratz, Antoine-Simon (d. 1775)
Scale:1 inch to 11 miles.
Situation Date:1768
Publication Date:1768
Features:Major Drainage-Mississippi, Pascagoula, Red Rivers, river islands, bays, inlets, coastal islands, Gulf soundings, lakes, early place names including topographic features-some with descriptions, e.g. "Beautiful Highlands" (Natchez area), communities, forts.
Comments:Title Note: Translation- Map of the Province and Colony of Louisiana, in the northern part of America, which is watered by the famous St. Louis River [Mississippi]; with an explanation of the surroundings of this river, to the most distant regions inhabited by the French, together with the present location of the different Nations of the American Indians, and the natural productions of each part of the country.
See: for a short article on the evolution of the map.
Coverage:Southern parts of Alabama, Mississippi, eastern Louisiana and west part of Florida panhandle.
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division.
Size (inches):18.5X 37.7