Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Mapa de toda la frontera de los dominios del rey en la America septentrional / construido y delineado por el capitan de ingenieros D. Nicolas de la Fora y el feniente de infanteria del regimiento de America D. Jose de Urrutia sobre varios puntos tomados en el tiempo de la expedicion que hicieron por dicha frontera a las ordenes del mariscal de campo el Señor Marques de Rubi ; cop. Mexico 7 de agosto de 1816.
Author:Fora, Nicolas de la, b. ca. 1730.
Scale:1 inch to 53 miles
Situation Date:[1817]
Publication Date:[1817]
Features:relief, drainage, lakes, missions, cities, communities, ranches, mines,forts.
Comments:Map the entire border of the king's dominions in North America / constructed and delineated by the captain of engineers D. Nicolas de la Fora and feniente Infantry Regiment Title Note: General translation-America D. Jose de Urrutia on several points taken at the time of the expedition made ​​by that boundary to the orders of the Lord quarterback Marques de Rubi; cop. Mexico August 7, 1816.
Coverage:United States
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
Size (inches):26.3 X 50