Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title: Plano hidrográfico de la Costa de la Florida Occidental desde el Río Misisipi hasta el Cabo de S. Blas. Conquistada a los Yngleses baxo la Dirección del Excmo. Sr. Dn. Bernardo de Gálvez, conde de Gálvez con la toma del castillo y bahía de Movilla en 14 de Marzo de 1780; la importante Plaza y Bahía de Panzacola en 8 de Mayo de 1781
Author:Portillo y Labaggi, José
Situation Date:1783
Publication Date:1783
Features:Drainage, lakes, Gulf of Mexico islands, Gulf soundings, forts, place names along the Mississippi River.
Comments:Title Note: General Translation Hydrographic Plan West Florida Coast from the Mississippi River to Cape S. Blas. Conquered the English HE baxo the address. Mr. Dn. Bernardo de Gálvez, Count of Gálvez with the taking of the castle and Movilla Bay on March 14, 1780, the important Pensacola Bay Plaza and on May 8, 1781.
Coverage:Southern Mississippi below Natchez and Southeastern Louisiana.
Repository:Archivo General de Simancas, MPD/22/017
Publisher:Sevilla, May 8, 1783
Size (inches):14.5 X 42.5