Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:A Map of a Large Country Newly Discovered in the Northern America Situated between New Mexico and the Frozen Sea together with the course of the Great River Meschasipi Dedicated to his Maty. William III King of Great Britain By Father Lewis Hennepin Missionary Recollect and Apostolic Notary.
Author:Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705)
Situation Date:1698
Features:Relief, drainage, lakes, portages, Indian nations, trails, towns, forts, missions.
Comments:Features Note: Trails may be exploration routes.
Bibliographic Note: From Hennepin's A New Discovery of A Vast Country in America, 1699.
Coverage:Eastern United States.
Repository:John Carter Brown Library, Brown University.
Size (inches):14.3 X 16.9
Link: 5260003