Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Louisiana by de Rivier Missisippi.
Author:Marperger, Paul Jacob (1656-1730); Law, John (1671-1729)
Scale:ca. 1 inch to 200 miles
Situation Date:1720
Publication Date:1721
Features:Rivers, lakes, relief, portages, Indian settlements, communities, forts, mines.
Comments:General Note: One map created from other map parts that show John Law’s Mississippi Bubble. Features Note: On reverse-Copy of a plate from the work (in Dutch) ridiculing John Law's Mississippi Bubble entitled Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. General Translation-The Great Picture of Folly.
Language Note: Title is in English. Some place names in French.
Bibliographic Note: Appears in: Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid.
Coverage:Eastern U.S.
Repository: Louisiana State Museum Historical Map Collection | Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Language:French, Dutch, English
Size (inches):8.1 x 6.8
Link: OOT=/LHC&CISOPTR=6 ionumber=14004