Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Map Of The United States Constructed From the Latest Authorities.
Author:Mitchell, Samuel Augustus.
Scale:1 inch to 114 miles
Situation Date:1831
Publication Date:1831
Features:Drainage, relief, lakes, a few Indian nations, cities, towns, forts, communities, roads.
Comments:Contains a table depicting the population and size of States, their capitals, state's sizes and population of principal towns and cities.
Coverage:United States generally east of the Rocky Mountains.
Repository:David Rumsey Map Collection.
Publisher:Philadelphia, Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, 1831.
Size (inches):17.3 X 21.6
Link: 6024~5502291:Map-Of-The-United-States-Constructe?sort=Pub_Li st_No_InitialSort%2CPub_Date%2CPub_List_No%2CSeries_No&qvq=q :mississippi;sort:Pub_List_No_InitialSort%2CPub_Date%2CPub_L ist_No%2CSeries_No;lc:RUMSEY~8~1&mi=128&trs=965