Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Map No. 50 Dept of the Gulf. Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and part of Louisiana and Flordia, Prepared by order Captain McAlester... under direction of Capt. P.T. Hains.
Author:Hains, P.T.
Scale:1 inch to 10 miles
Situation Date:1864
Publication Date:1864, September/October
Features:Drainage, cities, towns, settlements, post offices, roads, railroads.
Comments:General Note: Four separate items make up this map.
Author Note: Authorities-" U.S. Coast Survey maps, Department [of the Gulf] Maps No. 2 and 10, J[ohn] LaTourette's [1847] & Bonner's maps."
Size Note: Size noted is for the sheet illustrating Mississippi.
Coverage:Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Louisiana
Repository:National Archives and Records Administration, Cartographic and Architectural Records
Publisher:U.S. Coast Survey
Size (inches):46 X 36.8