Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Map of Greenville, Washington County, Miss. by Richd. A. Ohea, Civil Engr. May, 1873.
Author:Ohea, Richard
Scale:1 inch to 200 feet
Situation Date:1873
Features:Blocks/numbers, lots/numbers, many with owners names, structures, streets, Blantonia Park, Bachelor's Park, cemetery.
Comments:Features Notes: Contains five drawings-two churches, residences of W.A. Pollock, A.B. Finlay and H. Lee. "N.B. Johnson, builder". Contains a legend of thirteen places in the city. Illustrates a colored legend of nine subdivision additions with acreage of each.
Coverage:Greenville, Washington County
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
Size (inches):34.5 X 35