Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Map of the grounds on which was fought the Battle of Iuka, on September, 1862.
Author:Whiting, G.H.
Scale:ca 1 inch to 550 feet
Situation Date:1862, September
Features:Drainage, springs, vegetation, felled timber, town of Iuka with street pattern and buildings, houses in outlying area with names of residents, church, fields, paths, roads,Union and Confederate troop positions during the Battle of Iuka, position of batteries.
Comments:General Note: Military map.
Author Note: Copied in Bureau of Engineers, Washington, June 17, 1863 by G.H. Whiting from a map accompanying a report of Maj. General Rosecrans.
Repository note: Four photolithographs are also in the same file titled: Map of the Battle of Iuka, Mississippi showing the positions of the United States and Confederate troops.Pub 1876. One is a proof showing greater accuracy of troop positions and ground contours.
Bibliographic Note: In Atlas to accompany the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Plate 25, No.2.
Coverage:Tishomingo County
Repository:National Archives and Records Administration, Cartographic and Architectural Records
Size (inches):22.5 X 27.8
Link: jpg