Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Map of the new line of works for the defense of Vicksburg. Copied from the original by Augustus Koch, 2nd Lieut., 51st U.S. [?] inf'y and Asst. Eng'r.
Author:Koch, Augustus
Scale:1 inch to 300 feet
Situation Date:1864
Features:Drainage, relief, Vicksburg street pattern with a few buildings, new Union fortifications, a few buildings.
Comments:Publication Note: Noted and signed- "Submitted with my report of Dec. 26, 1864. Q.A. Gillmore, Maj. genl., Inspr [Inspector] Genl. Forts, Div. West Miss. and Recd. at Eng. Dept., jany. 20, 1865". This map is likely a copy of the map with same title noted in Data Base record 196, dated 1863.
Coverage:Warren County
Repository:National Archives and Records Administration, Cartographic and Architectural Records
Size (inches):51 X 35