Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Map showing of proposed crossing of Sunflower River, State of Mississippi by the Georgia Pacific Railway...situated in NE quarter of S.10, T.18R.4W. Made under the direction of Samuel H. Purcell, Divn. Supt. by Richd. A. O'Hea C.E. [civil engineer].
Author:O'Hea, Richard A.
Scale:1 inch to 500 feet
Situation Date:1887
Features:Sunflower River, creeks, "Long Lake", wooded areas, river shoals and depths, Indian mound, structures in and around the town of Johnsonville, post office, Masonic lodge, stable, depot offices, railroads, roads, names and location of local residents, fields.
Comments:Features Note: Contains notes on velocities, currents and soundings of the Sunflower River.
Coverage:Sunflower County
Repository:National Archives and Records Administration, Cartographic and Architectural Records
Size (inches):28 X 28.8