Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Map showing the distribution of the slave population of the southern states of the United States. Compiled from the census of 1860 Drawn by E. Hergesheimer. Engr. by Th. Leonhardt.
Author:Hergesheimer, Edwin
Scale:ca. 1 inch to 50 miles
Situation Date:1860
Publication Date:1861
Features:Counties gray scale shading to reflect percentage of slave population.
Comments:General Notes: "Sold for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers of the U.S. Army." "Census Office, Department of the Interior, Washington, Sept. 9th, 1861. After a careful examination of the above very interesting map I am prepared to state that it not only furnishes the evidences of great care in its execution, but can be relied on as corresponding with the official returns of the 8th Census. [Signed in facsimile] Jos. C. G. Kennedy, Superintendent."
Author Note: "Entered according to Act of Congress, A.D. 1861 by Henry S. Graham."
Features Note: Map indicates by gray patterns, the percentage of slaves in each county. "It should be observed, that several counties appear comparatively light. This arises from the preponderance of whites and free blacks in the large towns in those counties. . ." The figures in each county represent the percentage of slaves to every 100 inhabitants in the county. Includes population table based on census of 1860.
Coverage:Southeastern United States
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division | National Archives and Records Administration
Publisher:Washington Henry S. Graham 1861.
Size (inches):27 X 3.8