Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Plan of the post of Holly Springs Miss. drawn by Lt. John S. Bishop. 13th Infty. A.A.Q.M. August 1st. 1875.
Author:Bishop, John S.
Scale:1 inch to 24 feet
Situation Date:1875, August 1
Features:Trees, railroad, named streets in Holly Springs, named structures, tent sites, and camp streets in the post, paths, sinks, water barrels, mess tables, drainage in the post, Gothic ruins-"supposed old monastery of the Ku Klux", stables.
Comments:Features Note: six inset drawings illustrating ruins, officers tents, quartermaster storehouse and three camp sites. On reverse: "This photo was furnished Jan. 19/[18]76 by Lt. J.S. Bishop AAQM, for file, see 389 of 76."
Coverage:Marshall County
Repository:National Archives and Records Administration, Cartographic and Architectural Records
Size (inches):10.5 X 9.3