Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Sketch H. showing the progress of the survey in section no. VIII, from 1846 to 1862.
Author:U.S. Coast Survey
Scale:ca 1 inch to 9.4 miles
Situation Date:1846-1862
Publication Date:1864
Features: Islands, bays, points, Biloxi pier, sawmill, the extent of the triangulation network from Mobile Bay by the Mississippi River delta-astronomical, magnetic, tidal and ocean current stations, unoccupied stations, non-surveyed shoreline, limits of topographic and hydrologic sheets.
Comments:General Note: General Note: "No. 35" in the upper left corner.
Features Note: Insets: Plan of Fort Jackson, showing the effect of the bombardment by the U. S. mortar flotilla and gunboats, April 18th to 24th 1862. 10.6 x 16.1 inches --Reconnaissance of the Mississippi River below Forts Jackson and St. Philip made previous to the reduction by the U. S. Fleet under the command of flag officer D. G. Farragut, U.S.N. 9 x 16.5 inches.
Coverage:Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana Gulf Coast
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
Publisher:(Washington, Government Printing Office, 1864). Map 35.
Size (inches):19.8 X 33.5
Link: ITLE+@od1(Sketch+H++showing+the+progress+of+the+survey+in+se ction+no++VIII,+from+1846+to+1862+))+@field(ALTTITLE+@od1(Sk etch+H++showing+the+progress+of+the+survey+in+section+no++VI II,+from+1846+to+1862+)))