Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte generale de la Floride et du Delta du Mississippi, presentant le trace du canal projete de l'Ocean Atlantique au Golfe du Mexique, a travers l'Isthme des Florides, ainsi qui l'ensemble des ameliorations projetees ou en cours d'execution qui one ete recommandees par la Commission des ameliorations interieures pour completer le systeme de navigation...
Author:Poussin, Guillaume Tell, 1794-1876
Scale:1 inch to 26.8 miles
Situation Date:1834
Publication Date:1834
Features:Drainage, some relief, natural and proposed channels, bays, islands-named, towns, coastal soundings,
Comments:Title Note: General translation-Map of Florida and the Mississippi Delta, presenting the trace of the canal project Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico across the Isthmus of Florida, and that all improvements planned or under execution which one recommended by the Committee on internal improvements to complete the navigation system ...
Features Note: Contains three inset maps and two coastal profiles of areas in Florida.
Publication Note: Per Rumsey site- "Atlas only. Exceptionally well done maps that show the ambitious public works projects of the time. Maps are without color and bound in quarter leather green textured paper covered boards with ""Poussin. Travaux d'amelioration En Amerique. Atlas"" stamped in gilt on the spine."
Coverage:Northern half of Florida and coastal areas of Alabama, Mississippi and eastern Louisiana
Repository:David Rumsey Map Collection
Language:French and English
Publisher:Paris, Anselin, Libraire, pour l'art militaire, les sciences et les arts, rue Dauphine, No. 36, dans le passage Dauphine. Carilian-Goeury, Libraire, des ponts et chaussees et des mines, Quai des Augustins, No. 41. 1834. Imprimerie de Lachevardiere, rue du Colombier, No. 30.
Size (inches):18.8 X 25.9
Link: Floride,+Delta+du+Mississippi+canal.