Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:The Mississippi
Author:Franquelin, Jean Baptiste Louis.
Situation Date:ca 1673
Publication Date:1682
Features:Relief, drainage, Indian Nations and settlements, mines.
Comments:General Note: L.C. Library of Congress note-"This is the copy of a sketch of the Mississippi River and country, contained in a manuscript map ... has the following title Carte génerale de la France septentrionale, contenant dans la d'ecouverte du pays des Ilinois ... made by the Sieur Jolliet, (General Translation-General map of northern French [lands], containing the overdraft of the country of Ilinois ... made by the Sieur Jolliet.) Our present map ... is one of the first French maps of the Mississippi River ever made, if not the very first one itself."
Feature Note: In upper left corner: 229. Includes a discussion of the origin, significance, and contents of the map. Illustrated pictorially with animals and trees.
Coverage:Eastern United States
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
Size (inches):20.4 X 13.7