Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Plano y costa de la Palisada o de Misipipi zituada, su entrada o Cabo de Lodo en 29 gs. 17 ms. de lattud. norte y en longd. de 385 gs. 3 ms. segun Tenerife. Delineado por Dn. Juan de Liguera y Antayo, piloto de la Carrera 1751, para el Sor. Dn. Franco. del Postigo, capitan de Navio de la Real Armada y piloto mayor de ella.
Author:Liguera y Antayo, Juan de.
Scale:1 inch to 10.2 miles
Situation Date:[1751]
Features:Drainage, settlements, Gulf soundings, coastal islands, numeric index describing natural and cultural features.
Comments:General Note: Printed label describing the map mounted on verso. Title Note: General Translation-Plane and coast of the Palisada or of Mississippi zituada, his entry or Mud end in 29 gs. 17 ms. of lattud. north and in longd. of 385 gs. 3 ms. according to Tenerife. Delineated by Dn. Juan de Liguera and Antayo, pilot of the Career 1751, for the Sister. Dn. Franc. of the Shutter, captain of Vessel of the Real Navy and major pilot of her.
Type note: Pen-and-ink and watercolors.
Coverage:Coasts of southeastern Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and western Florida
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
Size (inches):13.7 X 34.6