Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Military map showing the marches of the United States forces under command of Maj. Gen'l W.T. Sherman, during the years 1863, 1864, 1865 / compiled by order of Maj. Gen'l W.T. Sherman at Head Quarters Military Division of the Mississippi ; under the direction of Bv't Maj. W.L.B. Jenney ; drawn by Capt. William Kossak and John B. Muller, draughtsman.
Author:Kossak, William.
Scale:ca 1 inch to 25 miles
Situation Date:1863-65
Publication Date:1865
Features:Drainage, relief, lakes, cities, towns, communities, roads, railroads, General Sherman's march routes in south.
Comments:Features Note: Color coded to indicate various military units involved in Sherman's marches.
Publication Note: "Printed by Joseph F. Gedney." In lower right corner: Am. Photo-lithographic Co., N.Y. (Osborne's Process).
Repository Note: Uncolored copies can be viewed at: and and
Coverage:Eastern United States north of area between southwest Mississippi border and Savannah, Georgia
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division | Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Publisher:St. Louis, Mo. : Military Division of the Mississippi, 1865.
Size (inches):23.2 X 37
Link: ionumber=8153