Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte particulière des Natchez établi par les François et détruit par les sauvages dudit lieu en 1729, ledit poste éloigné de cent lieues de la Nouvelle Orléans.
Author:[Dumont de Montigny?]
Situation Date:ca 1730
Features:Relief, vegetation, stream, ponds, Indian community, Fort Rosalie, structures with names of residents, cemetery, church.
Comments:Title Note: General translation-Map of Natchez particular established by the French and destroyed by the Indians of that place in 1729, the post a hundred miles away from New Orleans.
Features Note: [Contains the note: "Avec l'attaque de ce community sauvage par Mr de Loubois. On fit ensuite la paix avec eux". General translation-With the attack on the Indian community by Mr de Loubois. We then made peace with them.
Link Note: See No.3 at: link provided and
Coverage:Adams County
Repository:Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection
Size (inches):7.8 X 12.2