Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte des environs du fort Rosalie des natchez et du fort provisionnelle fait depuis la destruction de ce poste arrivé le 28 novembre 1729 entre 8 et 9 heurs du matin par les sauvages. Signé Broutin.
Author:Broutin, Ignace-François (d. 1751)
Scale:ca 1 inch to 185 feet
Situation Date:1730
Features:Relief, drainage, vegetation, roads, structures-some with owners names, fort Rosalie and a temporary fort, cleared areas, Index of fifteen place names inside and outside forts.
Comments:Title Note: General translation-Area Map of Fort Rosalie in Natchez and Fort provisional done since the destruction of this position come November 28, 1729 between 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning by the Indians. Signed Broutin.
Features Note: Contains notes on forts.
Coverage:Adams County
Repository:Archives nationales d'outre-mer | University of Louisiana, Center for Louisiana Studies
Size (inches):34.8 X 15.7
Link: tice?id=FR%20CAOM%2004DFC35A