Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte du fort Rozalie des Natchez françois ou l'on voit la situation des Concessions et habitations telles qu'elles étaient avant le massacre arrivé le 29 novembre 1729 et le tout par la faute de celuy que la Compagnie des Indes avoit choisi pour y commender.
Author:Dumont de Montigny, Jean François Benjamin (b. 1696)
Situation Date:ca 1740
Features:Drainage, some relief, ponds, wooded areas, fields, Indian settlement, agricultural areas, roads, paths, bridges, concessions-land holdings, names of land owners, structures-farm buildings, slave quarters, churches, cemetery, Fort Rozalie,fortifications.
Comments:Title Note: General Translation: Map of Fort Rozalie of Natchez, the situation of the Concessions and dwellings such as they were before the massacre on November 29, 1729, the fault of which was a bad choice of Commander by the [French commercial] Company of the Indies.
Link Note: See number 20 at the link provided. See for a detailed view of the Terre Blanche concession and an explanation of how concessions were awarded.
Coverage:Adams County, Natchez area
Repository:Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection | Newberry Library