Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Plans Figurez du Grand et Petit Forts des François en la Province de la Louisiane entourez de Paniers de Cannes Plains de Terre à la Nouvelle Orléans le 5 décembre 1731.
Situation Date:1731
Features:Relief, Mississippi River, wooded areas, Indian encampments, forts, battery positions, soldier's quarters, slave quarters, bridge between forts.
Comments:Title Note: General translation-Plans of the Big and Small Forts of the French in the Province of the Louisiana encircle Orléans with Baskets of sticks Plains of Earth in New on December 5th, 1731.
Links Note: see item B.1 in link provided. Also see:
Coverage:Adams County
Repository:Archives nationales d'outre-mer