Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Southern coast of the United States from Pensacola to the mouth of the Mississippi showing the strategic position of Ship Island with approaches to New Orleans.
Author:[United States Coast Survey]
Scale:1 inch to 15 miles
Situation Date:1861
Publication Date:[1861]
Features:Drainage, coastal details-bays, inlets, islands, towns, communities, military forts on Lower Mississippi, Inset of Ship Island and Vicinity showing soundings, lines of various depths, lighthouses.
Comments:Bibliography Note: Apparently found in The Solider in our Civil War, page 214.
Coverage:Coastal areas of Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.
Repository:Mississippi Department of Archives and History.
Publisher:[Washington, DC : The Survey, 1861].
Size (inches):9 X 14.1
Link: ionumber=000013850