Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte des environs du Missisipi par G. de l'Isle géogr. donné par M. d'Iberville en 1701
Author:L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726
Situation Date:1701
Features:Relief, drainage, lakes, Gulf soundings, Indian nations, Indian settlements-with number of communities in some given areas, towns, communities, trails, forts.
Comments:Title Note: General translation-Map of vicinity of the Mississippi / by G. Isle geogr. given by d'Iberville in 1701
Feature Note: Path noted as: chemin que tiennent les anglois de la caroline pour venir aux- General translation- path of English between Carolina and the Chickasaw.
Coverage:Southeast and Midwest United States.
Repository:Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia
Size (inches):29.9 X 40.1
Link: at=hmap&wid=1000&hei=800&style=hmap/hmap.xsl&item=hmap1701d4 .sid