Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:La France occidentale dans l'Amérique Septentrional ou le cours de la rivière de St. Laurens aux environs de la quelle se trouvent le Canada, l'Acadie, et la Gaspasie les Esquimaux, les Hurons, les Iroquois, les Illinois & la Virginie, la Marie-Lande, la Pensilvanie, le Nouveau Jersay, la Nouvelle Yorck, la Nouvelle Angleterre et l'isle de Terre-Neuve / par N. de Fer géographe de sa majesté Catolique 1718
Author:Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Scale:ca 1 inch to 82 miles
Situation Date:1718
Publication Date:1718
Features:Relief, drainage, lakes, Gulf soundings, Indian Nations, Indian settlements, towns, communities, forts, trails.
Comments:General Note: This large wall map of North America, printed in four sheets, is based on French sources from 1681 to 1717, and published for promotion of the Compagnie d'Occident.
Title Note: General Translation- Western France in North America or the course of the river St. Laurence in the vicinity of what are Canada, Acadia, and Gaspasie Eskimo, Hurons, Iroquois, Illinois and Virginia, Marie-Lande, of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, New England and the island of Newfoundland / N. Iron geographer of his majesty Catola 1718
Features Note: Large inset shows mouth of Mississippi and part of Gulf coast. Highly decorated with figures of Native Americans, communities, and animals. Insets At lower right corner: Environs de Quebec ; Veue de Quebec. [Around Quebec; Sight of Quebec.] Another Inset - upper right corner: Les costes de la Louisiane de puis la Baye de l'Ascension jusques acelle de St. Joseph. [The coasts of Louisiana and the Bay of Ascension till Acella St. Joseph.]
Bibliographic Note: Cumming, William. The southeast in early maps, no. 169.
Coverage:United States and Canada east to Midwest area.
Repository:Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia
Publisher:A Paris : Chez l'auteur Isle du Palais à la Sphere Royale, 1718.
Size (inches):37.7 X 41.7