Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Carte des Carolines meridonale et septentrionale, la Georgie, la Florida orientale et occidentale, le pays des Cherokees, la vaste contree des Muscogulges, ou la confederation de Creks et pays des Chataws pour servir a l'Histoire des Voyages de Williams Bartram
Author:Poirson, J. B.
Situation Date:1799
Features:Relief, drainage, Indian nations, Indian settlements, towns, communities, political territories.
Comments:Title Note: General translation- Map meridonale Carolina's and northern Georgia, eastern and western Florida, the Cherokee country, the vast sections Muscogules, or confederation of countries and Creek Choctaws. to serve for the History of Bartram's Travels Williams / J. B. Poirson, Ingenieur [Engineer] Geographe in 1799. Noted below title:Grave [engraved] par Blondeau, rue de Francs Bourgois No. 131 pics la Place Michel. Ecrit par Miller, Rue Jacques No. 52. Date: 1799
Coverage:Eastern half of US.
Repository:Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia
Size (inches):24.2 X 17.1