Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:America septentrionalis concinnata juxta observationes ... Academiae regalis scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum, et juxta annotationes recentissimas / per G. de l'Isle. Venalis prostat Augustae Vindelic. : apud Jeremiam Wolff. [Augsburg.]
Author:L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Wolff, Jeremias (1663-1724)
Situation Date:ca1705
Publication Date:ca1718
Features:Relief, drainage, regions-named, Indian Nations, Indian settlements, towns, forts, routes of Cortez, Gaetan, Drake, Medana and Olivier in the Pacific.
Comments:General Note: Very similar to L'Isle's L'Amerique Septentrionale. Dressee sur les observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale... See Map Number 850.
Title Note: General Translation-North America, according to the observances of suitably arranged ... Academy of the royal of the sciences and of some of the others, and according to the notes made recently to / by G. de l'Isle. Printed for sale, of Augusta, Vindelici. In Jeremiah: Wolff. [Augsburg.]
Coverage:North and Central America.
Repository:Bibliothèque nationale de France
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