Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:A map of the West-Indies or the islands of America in the North Sea; with ye adjacent countries; explaning [sic] what belongs to Spain, England, France, Holland &c. also ye trade winds, and ye several tracts made by ye galeons and flota from place to place. According to ye newest and most exact observations, by Herman Moll, geographer.
Author:Moll, Herman (d. 1732)
Scale:ca 1 inch to 68 miles
Situation Date:1710
Publication Date:1710
Features:Drainage, relief, lakes, Indian communities, towns, forts, territorial names and national claims, notes on navigation.
Comments:General Note: Includes historical notes.
Title Note: "Sold by H. Moll and by I. King at ye Globe in ye Poultrey near Stocks Market.""To Wil. Paterson esq; this map of the West-Indies &c. is most humbly dedicated... "
Features Note: The city of Mexico in New Spain.--A draught of ye citty of Cartagena, its harbour & forts.--[Porta Bella] --A draught of the bay & citty of Havanna.--A draught of St. Augustin and its harbour.
Color Note: Hand colored.
Coverage:Extreme Southeast U.S., West Indies, Mexico, Central America and northern South America.
Repository:American Geographical Society
Publisher:London, Herman Moll, 1710
Size (inches):23.2 X 40.1
Link: =/agdm&CISOPTR=377