Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:A new and accurate map of North America : wherein the errors of all proceeding British, French and Dutch maps, respecting the rights of Great Britain, France & Spain & the limits of each of his majesty's provinces, are corrected, / humbly inscribed to the honorable Charles Townshend... by his most obliged, most obedient and very humble servant Huske; Tho. Kitchin Sculpt.
Author:Huske, John (1721?-1773)
Scale:ca 1 inch to 114 miles.
Situation Date:1755
Publication Date:1755
Features:Relief, drainage, lakes, Indian nations, Indian settlements, provinces, territories, cities, towns, communities, forts by nationality,e.g. French.
Comments:Features Note: Two narratives describing territories claimed or Conquered by nations. Inset map-"A map of Hudson's Bay &c."
Link Note: Also see: E-46 at
Coverage:Eastern U.S. and Canada.
Repository:Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
Publisher:London : Printed for the present state of North America &c, and sold by R. & J. Dodsley, 1755.
Size (inches):15.3 X 19.2