Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:Mapa maritimo del Golfo de Mexico e islas de la America, para el uso de los navegantes en esta parte del mundo, construido sobre las mexores memorias, y observaciones astronomicas de longitudes, y latitudes. Dedicado a la Catholica Magestad de Don Fernando VI Rey de España, y de las Yndias, por sus mas rendidos, y fieles vasallos, Thomas Lopez, y Juan de la Cruz.
Author:López de Vargas Machuca, Thomás (1730-1802)
Scale:ca 1 inch to 87 miles
Situation Date:1755
Publication Date:1755
Features:Drainage at Gulf Coast area, Barrier Islands, bays, depth by soundings, .
Comments:Title Note: General Translation- Maritime map of the Gulf of Mexico and islands of America, for the use of sailors in this part of the world, built on Mexoro memories and observations of astronomical longitudes and latitudes. Dedicated to the Catholic Majesty Don Ferdinand VI King of Spain and the Indies, for their most tired, and faithful vassals, Thomas Lopez, and Juan de la Cruz.
Features Note: "Longitud ocidental del meridiano de Tenerife."
Coverage:Caribbean Ocean, U.S. Gulf Coast, Central America.
Repository:Library of Congress- Geography and Map Division
Publisher:[Madrid] 1755
Size (inches):22 X 31.1