Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:A new & correct map of the trading part of the West Indies : including the seat of war between Gr. Britain and Spain : likewise the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish settlements adjacent thereto : adorn'd with prospects of ye most considerable towns, ports, harbours &c. therein contained from the latest & best observations.
Author:Overton, Henry (1706-1764)
Situation Date:[1741?]
Publication Date:1741
Features:Relief, drainage, lakes, Indian nations, Indian settlements, town, communities, forts, mines.
Coverage:North and Central America
Repository:New York Public Library
Size (inches):21.2 X 26.7
Link: .cfm?trg=1&strucID=253132&imageID=434512&total=1&e=w#_seemor e