Miscellaneous Publications

This group of files consists of books related to Mississippi's history that were scanned and originally made available only through the MDAH online catalog.

Filename Descr Date Creator Contributor Publisher Callno Sysid
10653-1.pdf Public dinner, given in honor of the Chickasaw and Choctaw treaties, at Mr. Parker's hotel, in the city of Natchez, on the 10 of October, 1830. 1830 Walker, Robert J. (Robert John) McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830; Quitman, John Anthony Natchez : s.n. MSimprint/1830/267 10653
17381-1.pdf Rights of the states : a reply to,--and review of an opinion, of the Hon'ble. William Wirt, (herewith re-published) entitled, Rights of the Indians, upon the question, "Has the state of Georgia a right to extend her laws over the Cherokees, within the Cherokee Territory?" / by a member of, the Mississippi Bar. 1830 Member of the Mississippi Bar Chisholm, William A. A.; McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830; Wirt, William Woodville, Miss. : Wm. A.A. Chisholm, printer MSimprint/1830/287 17381
95456-1.pdf Rules for the government of the Supreme Court, of the state of Mississippi. 1827 Mississippi Supreme Court. Isler, Peter; Vaught, W. C. (William C.) Jackson : Printed by Peter Isler, state printer MSimprint/1827/[229a] 95456
87027-1.pdf Rules of order, decorum and [debate] for the government of the House of Representatives of the Mississippi Territory. 1812 Mississippi Territory House of Representatives Isler, Peter; Montgomery, William Natchez : Printed by P. Isler MSimprint/1812 87027
94531-1.pdf Seats near Natchez, for sale / Robert Alexander or Edward Turner, executors of the last will and testament of John Steele, dec'd. 1819-12-15 Alexander, Robert McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830; Turner, Edward; Isler, Peter Natchez : Isler, pr. MSimprint/1819/130 94531
107790-1.pdf Spanish outrage!! / Office of the Washington republican & Natchez intelligencer, Monday, September 23, 1816. 1816-09-23 McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830 [Natchez] : Washington republican & Natchez intelligencer MSimprint/1816/99 107790
94501-1.pdf Speech, on the bill "For the relief of Jefferson College," delivered in the House of Representatives, of the state of Mississippi : December, 1830 / by John F. H. Claiborne, a representative from the county of Adams. 1830-12 Claiborne, J. F. H. (John Francis Hamtramck) McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830; Mississippi Legislature, House of Representatives Washington, Miss. : Cadet Office MSimprint/1830/271 94501
95624-1.pdf [St]ate of [Mississippi,] Adams County, ss. 1823-08-07 Marschalk, Andrew Natchez, Miss. : Andrew Marschalk MSimprint/1823/2 95624
95622-1.pdf State of Mississippi, Adams County, ss. 1823-08-07 Marschalk, Andrew Natchez, Miss. : Andrew Marschalk MSimprint/1823/1 95622
108916-1.pdf Supplement to the Mississippi republican : Friday, March 25, 1814 ; To the editor of the Mississippi republican / Ferdinand L. Claiborne. 1814-03-25 Claiborne, Ferdinand Leigh McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830 [Natchez] : Mississippi republican MSimprint/1814/73 108916
108805-1.pdf [Supplem]ent to the Natchez intelligencer : Natchez, July 5, 1817 ; To the editor of the Natchez intelligencer / Nicholas Gray. 1817-07-05 Gray, Nicholas McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830 Natchez : Intelligencer MSimprint/1817/102 108805
95698-1.pdf The friends & acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. McDougall, are invited to attend the funeral of their daughter, Grove-line, from their residence, this morning, at eleven o'clock, Sept. 16, 1830. 1830-09-16 S.l. : s.n. MSimprint/1830/1 95698
94478-1.pdf The Louisana and Mississippi almanack, for the year of our Lord 1813. 1813 Taylor, John Natchez, Miss. : Cramer and Co. MSimprint/1812/58b 94478
94477-1.pdf The Louisiana and Mississippi almanack, for the year of our Lord 1814. : being the second after bissextile or leap year -- and after the fourth of July, the 39th year of American independence. 1814 Taylor, John; Cramer & Co. New Orleans, La. : Cramer and Co. MSimprint/1813/65b 94477
94527-1.pdf The mayor, aldermen, assistants, medical faculty, and other citizens of Natchez, humbly solicit the attention of the legislature of this territory to the following memorial : For the promptitude and zeal which your honorable body has already manifested to effect the establishment of a hospital in our city, we beg leave to return you the most sincere thanks. 1804-12-22 McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830 Natchez : s.n. MSimprint/1804/30 94527
94509-1.pdf The Mississippi and Louisiana almanac, for the year of our Lord 1815, being the third after bissextile or leap year and after the fourth of July, the 40th year of American independence. 1814 Marschalk, Andrew Natchez, Miss. : s.n. MSimprint/1814/71 94509
94514-1.pdf The Mississippi and Louisiana almanac for the year of our Lord 1818, being the second after bissextile or leap year and after the 4th of July the 43rd of American independence. 1817 Taylor, John, Rev. Marschalk, Andrew Natchez, Miss. : s.n. MSimprint/1817/100 94514
94502-1.pdf The second report of the Board of Trustees, of the Protestant Episcopal Society, for the Advancement of Christianity in Mississippi, made at the anniversary of the society, January 6, 1829 : to which is annexed The circular of the Board to their fellow citizens, and a list of officers and trustees, for 1829. 1829 Protestant Episcopal Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Mississippi Board of Trustees McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830 Natchez, Miss. : Printed for the Society, by Andrew Marschalk MSimprint/1829/265 94502
95702-1.pdf To the honorable the General Assembly of the State of Mississippi / Henry Vose. 1830-11-26 Vose, Henry Jackson : s.n. MSimprint/1830/2 95702
103537-1.pdf To the people of the City of Natchez / One of the People. 1817 Lehman, William E. (William Eckart) Natchez : s.n. MSimprint/1817 103537
95631-1.pdf To the people of the State of Mississippi / B. R. Grayson. 1827-03-23 Grayson, Beverly R. S.l. : s.n. MSimprint/1827 95631
94526-1.pdf To the Senate & House of Representatives / David Holmes. 1826-01-15 Holmes, David McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830; Ellis, Powhatan; Graham, George Jackson : s.n. MSimprint/1826/211 94526
10083-1.pdf Truth is no slander : therefore read; enquire; reflect / Samuel Clement. 1827 Clement, Samuel McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), Bibliography of Mississippi imprints, 1798-1830; Isler, Peter Natchez : Printed at the Ariel Office MSimprint/1827/219 10083
94503-1.pdf William C. Grissam & Co.'s Mississippi and Louisiana almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1830; being the second after bissextile or leap year, and (after the 4th of July) the 55th of American independence. 1829 William C. Grissam & Co. Natchez, Miss. : William C. Grissam & Co. MSimprint/1829/250 94503