Finance and Administration, Mississippi Department of

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23 Item(s) 160BA.1:An

Annual Report of Bond Issuance Expenses

The Department of Finance and Administration reports on bond issuance expenses for each calendar year. The major sections of the report include bonds and issuance costs approved by the State Bond Commission, issuance costs and bonds not approved by the State Bond Commission, bonds issued by Mississippi Home Corporation, and bonds issued by the Mississippi Hospital Equipment and Facilities Authority. The Department of Archives and History has electronic (PDF) copies of reports from 2000.

1 Series 27 Item(s) 160.1:FR

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

The Department of Finance and Administration generates a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the governor to present to the legislature at the end of each fiscal year (July-June). This report gives an annual overview of state government fiscal activity. The Department of Archives and History has electronic (PDF) copies of the report dating from 1996.