Insurance, Department of

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22 Item(s) 501.1:An

Annual Report

Each May, the Insurance Commissioner makes a report to the governor, showing all official acts performed during the previous calendar year; the condition of more than 1,800 insurance companies doing business in Mississippi; the licenses issued by the Department of Insurance, and the taxes received and paid by the commissioner to the treasurer; and changes in the laws affecting the department. The Department of Archives and History has paper copies of the reports dating from 1903. Paper copies of the 1999-2003 reports were scanned and saved as PDFs by the Department of Insurance. More recent reports were "born digital" and saved as PDFs.

1 Item(s) 501.1:190501

Business Done by Fraternal Organizations in Mississippi During 1904.

This report on business conducted by fraternal organizations in Mississippi in 1904 was prepared by Insurance Commissioner William Qualls Cole.